21 May Nomination German Design Award 2018
Courage is rewarded
We are happy and proud to announce the nomination of our organ in St. Petri, Dortmund, for the German Design Award 2018.
Our thanks go to the German Design Council and the Evangelische Stadtkirche for showing the courage to realize this project.
Despite its ancient roots the Petri church is a room with a modern flair: a room without recesses, light oak flooring, without any pews, flooded with light and the "Golden Wonder", an altar from 1522, being the only item in the room.
In 2013 the Ev. Stadtkirche asked us to create an organ into this context. It was the guideline of the Stadtkirche that the organ should be visible as a unique sculpture matching the church room, but leaving the focus on the altar.
The design was created by Oliver Schulte. It polarises. It is supposed to do so. The real magic of the design is often concealed from the eye of the beholder, being revealed at second sight.
Klick here to order a free flyer about the organ (available in english, please leave name and postal address). Click here
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